74 famous people named Maximus found on Wikipedia.
25610 male, 12 female in US.
Most recent ranking:
212-th in year 2018
Best ranking:
189-th in year 2016
Used in: Ancient-Roman
Maximus (Hellenised as Maximos) is the Latin term for "greatest" or "largest". In this connection it may refer to:
Circus Maximus
Pontifex Maximus, the highest priest of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome
The greatest.
Popularity | Name | Birth Year | Description |
1 | Magnus Maximus | 0335 | Politician (0335-0388) |
2 | Petronius Maximus | 0396 | 3rd century western Roman emperor |
3 | Maximus the Confessor | 0580 | Christian saint and theologian |
4 | Maximus of Hispania | 0400 | Roman usurper |
5 | Flattus Maximus | American musician | |
6 | Tiberius Claudius Maximus | Ancient Roman soldier | |
7 | Maximus Planudes | 1260 | Anthologist, translator |
8 | Quintus Fabius Maximus Sanga | Roman consul in 45 BC | |
9 | Maximus Ongkili | 1953 | Malaysian politician |
10 | Maximus the Greek | 1470 | Greek monk and scholar |
11 | Gaius Julius Verus Maximus | 0216 | Roman emperor |
12 | Maximus of Tyre | 0200 | Greek philosopher |
13 | Marius Maximus | 0165 | Imperial Roman consul |
14 | Maximus of Ephesus | 0310 | Neoplatonist philosopher |
15 | Gnaeus Mallius Maximus | Roman consul | |
16 | Manius Valerius Maximus | Politician and soldier | |
17 | Maximus Dan | 1979 | Trinidad and Tobago musician |
18 | Publius Sulpicius Galba Maximus | Ancient Roman dictator | |
19 | Paullus Fabius Maximus | Roman consul in 11 BC | |
20 | Claudius Maximus | 0101 | Roman Politician |
21 | Maximus of Turin | 0400 | 5th century bishop |
22 | Maximus of Rome | Christian saint and martyr | |
23 | Anicius Maximus | Consul of the Roman Empire | |
24 | Patriarch Maximus V of Constantinople | 1897 | Christian bishop: Patriarch of Constantinople |
25 | Archbishop Maximus I of Constantinople | ||
26 | Terentius Maximus | 0100 | Roman rebel |
27 | Titus Statilius Maximus | Roman senator | |
28 | Marcus Trebellius Maximus | ||
29 | Africanus Fabius Maximus | Consul of the Roman Empire | |
30 | Patriarch Maximus IV of Constantinople | Patriarch of Constantinople | |
31 | Patriarch Maximus II of Constantinople | Patriarch of Constantinople | |
32 | Patriarch Maximus III of Constantinople | Greek historian | |
33 | Marcus Pupienus Africanus Maximus | Consul of the Roman Empire | |
34 | Lucius Laberius Maximus | 0100 | Roman governor |
35 | Gnaeus Fulvius Centumalus Maximus | Roman consul | |
36 | Gellius Maximus | 0200 | Roman usurper |
37 | Manius Laberius Maximus | Consul of the Roman Empire | |
38 | Maximus II of Antioch | Patriarch of Antioch | |
39 | Maximus of Jerusalem | Patriarch of Jerusalem | |
40 | Lucius Valerius Claudius Poplicola Balbinus Maximus | Ancient Roman politician | |
41 | Maximus of Moesia | ||
42 | Spurius Carvilius Maximus | Politician | |
43 | Valerius Maximus | Consul of the Roman Empire | |
44 | Quintus Fabius Maximus | Roman consul in 213 BC | |
45 | Tiberius Clodius Pupienus Pulcher Maximus | Roman consul | |
46 | Maximus of Naples | Bishop of Naples | |
47 | Maximus of Pavia | Bishop of Pavia | |
48 | Lucius Valerius Claudius Acilius Priscillianus Maximus | Consul of the Roman Empire | |
49 | Maximus of Aveia | 0228 | Christian deacon and martyr |
50 | Maximus of Salzburg | Roman Catholic archbishop | |
51 | Maximus of Évreux | Bishop of Evreux | |
52 | Publius Lollius Maximus | Ancient Roman soldier and acquaintence of the poet Horace | |
53 | Junior Maximus | 1983 | |
54 | Marcus Pupienus Maximus | Roman senator | |
55 | Sextus Quintilius Valerius Maximus | ||
56 | Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus Maximus | Ancient Roman consul | |
57 | Maximus von Imhof | 1758 | Greek physicist |
58 | Bruno Maximus | 1970 | Finnish artist |
59 | DJ Maximus | 1984 | Dutch record producer and club DJ |
60 | Aulus Bucius Lappius Maximus | 0100 | Roman senator |
61 | Sextus Quintilius Maximus | ||
62 | Gaius Vibius Maximus | ||
63 | Maxime de Lyon | ||
64 | Marcus Magius Maximus | ||
65 | Quintus Sanquinius Maximus | ||
66 | Marcus Valerius Lactuca Maximus | ||
67 | Marco Valerio Lactucino | Politician (0500-0400) | |
68 | Marcus Gavius Maximus | ||
69 | Maximus of Mainz | ||
70 | Maximus | 0600 | 6th century Catholic bishop of Zaragoza, Hispania |
71 | Amber Maximus | 1997 | |
72 | Lydia Maximus | 1938 | Belgian politician |
73 | Marcus Gavius Apallius Maximus | ||
74 | Maximus af Schultén | 1847 | Finnish surgeon (1847-1899) |