
Origin: Greek
8 famous people named Selene found on Wikipedia.
6931 female, 5 male in US.
Most recent ranking: 831-th in year 2018
Best ranking: 831-th in year 2018
Used in: Greek, Mythology


Also, Selena. a female given name.

Selene is a female given name taken from Selene (Greek Σελήνη [selɛ̌ːnɛː] 'moon';) in Greek mythology. Selene was an archaic lunar deity and the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. Her equivalent in ancient Roman religion and myth is Luna, Latin for "moon".
The etymology of Selene is uncertain, but if the word is of Greek origin, it is likely connected to the word selas (σέλας), meaning "brightness".

Moon goddess, equivalent of Latin Luna, from Greek selene "the moon; name of the moon goddess," related to selas "light, brightness, bright flame, flash of an eye," from PIE root *swel- (2) "to shine, beam" (source also of Sanskrit svargah "heaven," Lithuanian svilti "to singe," Old English swelan "to be burnt up," Middle Low German swelan "to smolder"); related to swelter, sultry. Related: Selenian "of or pertaining to the moon as a world," 1660s.

One that illuminates the path, light night. Means: moon in Greek.

Famous People: 8 found on Wikipedia.
Popularity Name Birth Year Description
1 Selene Luna 1971 American performer
2 Selene Vigil-Wilk 1965 American singer
3 Selene Muñoz 1988
4 Selene Lucía Vázquez Alatorre 1965 Mexican politician
5 Selene 1984 Italian singer
6 Selene Guglielmi 1984 Italian karateka
7 Selene Wendt 1966
8 Selene Lizbeth Fernández Valverde