
Origin: Arabic
Used in: Hawaiian


Abigail is a female given name. The name comes from the Hebrew name אֲבִיגַיִל / אֲבִיגָיִל Avigail, meaning "my father's joy" (alternatively "my father is exultation", or "my father is joy"). This name has become popular in the U.S. in the 2000s.
Abigail was the wife of King David in the Hebrew Bible (Book of Samuel), and is described as an intelligent, beautiful, loyal woman. The name Abigail, Abagale or Abbigail can be shortened to "Abby", "Abbey", "Abbi", "Abbie", "Abbe", "Abi", "Abbye", "Abs", or "Aby", as well as "Gail" or "Gayle".