
Origin: Greek


Shinzō, Shinzo or Shinzou (written: 晋三, 信三, 伸三, 慎三, 真三 or 新蔵) is a masculine Japanese given name. Notable people with the name include:
Shinzō Abe (安倍 晋三) (born 1954), Japanese politician and Prime Minister of Japan
Shinzō Fukuhara (福原 信三) (1883–1948), Japanese photographer
Shinzō Hanabusa (英 伸三) (born 1936), Japanese photographer
Shinzo Koroki (興梠 慎三) (born 1986), Japanese footballer
Shinzo Maeda (前田 真三) (1922–1998), Japanese photographer
Shinzō Shimao (島尾 伸三) (born 1948), Japanese photographer
Shinzo Shinjo (新城 新蔵) (1873–1938), Japanese academic, physicist, astronomer